
Wednesday, November 29, 2017

The most magical poem

Hi, this is just a poem that I wrote. I would like some feedback, so please comment and I hope you enjoy reading my poem.

I will put in the Box
A powerful source of a simmering summer haze
A strong, wealthy, loving dog.
The flutter of a butterfly that is like a square jumping out of paper
I will put in the Box
The clouds that were playing.
An elephant too small to see, full of rage.
A net that is bouncy as can be also called a trampoline
I put into the Box
My grandads Army uniform,
An inch of light,

And a lightning strike.
Image result for Lightning strike

I put into the Box
The wonderous mind of moonlight.
The whistling of wind
The overgrown grass that lives on the ground

My box is fashioned from dark grey wood & glass.
The top is a tinted grey blue glass with grey wood on the rims.
The hinges on the box are made out of old and rusted steel.

The bottom of the box is a dark grey wood

I Biked into the box
Through the woods, the bike wheeles hitting the ground,
The rough grounds rubbing against my tyres,
I see my dog zoom past, enjoying his time.

Monday, November 27, 2017

The A&P Show

On the Thursday of last week our whole class went to the A&P Show. So this is what we were basing our work on. I hope you enjoy and learn something & please give me feedback.

Hope you enjoyed. Thanks!