
Friday, June 29, 2018

Newspaper Reports!

Over the last two weeks in class, we have been learning how to write Newspaper Reports. We started off by learning how to understand what goes into a Newspaper Report and we looked at two different reports and we identified which one was better with a checklist. We did different activities to learn more about Newspapers and then eventually we got to write one. I wrote mine about Little Red Riding Hood, but not like the fairytale. I would really like to get some feedback on the piece of writing I have written below and if it looks like a newspaper and how I could improve the newspaper:

Just so you know, they don't line up because they are 3 different screenshots.
Again I would like some feedback on the writing that I have done and if it looks like a newspaper and how I could improve the newspaper. Here is the link to the website.

Friday, June 22, 2018

Super Maths Work

This week in maths we have been doing measurements, and my group have been working on slides and they gradually got harder. Today I am making a chart to help people learn how to do measurements.
Here it is:

I hope you enjoy it!

Friday, June 15, 2018

Life Education

Last week on Tuesday, Wednesday and thursday the year 7&8's got to do some life education with harold who comes in every two years and people who are the educators come in. This year we did it while the year 5/6's were at camp. We Learnt about what empathy and how to show it, we also learnt about what the differences between peer pressure and bullying. Someone in our class called Chloe got her body scanned, we got to see her brain, he intestines, lungs, heart, brain stem and we also got to see how quickly the brain sends messages to moving your fingers or touching something.

Thank you for reading my Blog.

Friday, June 8, 2018

The Pop Art Movement

This week while the year 5/6's have been on camp we have had Mrs Stratton in as our teacher. She had assigned to us to do pop art work around Roy Lichtenstein. We had to find out about his art work, what styles he used and how he used onomatopoeia words. I learnt that Roy Lichtenstein's artwork was at first thought to be sort of bad  but that overtime people learnt to love it. We had to look at some of his artwork and figure out different things. here is a piece of his artwork - Image result for roy lichtenstein 'Girl Drowning' and here is my artwork -
 I hope you enjoyed this blog post.

Friday, June 1, 2018

Week 5

This week for our maths investigation we were doing skip counting and I know it sound easy but it isn't. we had to pick a number below 20 and not 5 and 10. I chose 16 but we also had to answer a question. I enjoyed it but it took me a long time and I am sure I got it wrong but please don't say.
Here is what I did.

I hope you enjoyed this.